Authentic WorkJoy™

I am Sari Ilo,

work life and leadership developer, coach and organisational psychologist - partner for large and medium-sized companies and public sector organisations in Oulu and worldwide.

Together, let's create some Authentic WorkJoy™ in your organisation, a sense of work-life that grows in connection and in shared successes. Let's discover the good - and the hidden potential too.

  • KM, PsL | Work and organisational psychologist | Coach MCC (ICF)

  • More than 25 years of career development and coaching

  • Coach of the Year 2021 (Finnish Coaching Association)

  • LinkedIn

Authentic WorkJoy™

ignites within,

radiates in security,

blooms in confidence,

bursts in peace,

grows in connection,

shines in freedom.

As it spreads through the work community, it binds people closer together than anything else.

  • For work communities

    To ignite, an Authentic WorkJoy™ needs a sense of security. To be empowered, it requires the peace of mind to be oneself and to experience uncomplicated interaction and connection with other members of the work community.

    Even small successes experienced together increase the Authentic WorkJoy™, within and between people.

    Its power is what sustains change and keeps you going in difficult times.

    Discover: workshops and training, change facilitation and workplace mediation

  • Coaching

    Whether you're a specialist or a manager, you're an expert in your field.

    But the foundation of your professional growth is you - the human being - with your thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

    In coaching, you will discover your Authentic WorkJoy™ and develop as a person, an employee and a colleague.

    In group coaching, the potential of the whole group is discovered: talents, growth areas and ways to develop.

    Discover: individual coaching, group coaching & mentor coaching

  • For management

    Knowledge, emotions, values - all influence decision-making and decision-making affects everything.

    Growing teamwork, joy and human strength in leadership together.

    Iloco is an experienced development partner for the management teams of large and medium-sized companies and public sector organisations.

    Leadership development will help the management team to work more effectively as a team.

    Discover: management development services

You are more than you think.

Together you are more than you think.

Authentic WorkJoy™

- nothing more and nothing less than you and your work community at your full potential!

I am your coach

when you want your people to discover their own Authentic WorkJoy™ – their full potential, their true strengths and personality traits that support their work life, their places of growth, their hidden talents, their needs and the means to develop.

As a team coach, I help your team to become a cohesive team. Among other things, we strengthen interaction - by working together for success and insight.

I am your coach

when you want a coach who is a real person, who draws on a wide range of insights and practical experience, and is inspired by research into working life and the human mind.

I will take a close look at the situation in your workplace and identify the key issues that will help us to bring about concrete changes in your workplace. I will challenge you with friendly curiosity, and in every situation I will do my best to be worthy of your trust.

I've had the chance to work with some great organisations.

Nordic Co-operative Bank






University of Oulu






Summer University of North Ostrobothnia




Municipality of Inari






Herman Andersson Oy


City of Oulu


Lehto Group Oyj


Miilumachine Oy


Pohjolan Osuuspankki ~ Finavia ~ Pohto ~ University of Oulu ~ Pihlajalinna ~ Nordea ~ North Ostrobothnia Summer University ~ Outokumpu ~ Inari Municipality ~ BRP ~ Mehiläinen ~ Herman Andersson Oy ~ City of Oulu ~ Lehto Group Oyj ~ Miilumachine Oy ~

How does the human mind - and the mind you are in - affect your working life? How do people work and why? How are people together? How do people understand things in different ways?

My curiosity about the workings of the human mind is inexhaustible.

  • "You treat the other person with warmth and respect."

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When your work community meets

An Authentic WorkJoy™,

you are free to grow both individually and in terms of results.

Together, quite a few more courageous

As a large or medium-sized company or public sector organisation, I am your authentic partner when you want to benefit from my more than 25 years of experience as an inventive work-life developer, combining practice, research and psychology.

My own joy

I find not only in my job and in my surname, but also in light, wind and atmospheres.

When I'm not working, I'm loitering in nature and photographing its beauty.

I was also happy to be involved in a book project. In the book Do you coach? - Learn, succeed, be amazed , by Markus Ikonen, published in autumn 2024, ten Finnish professional coaches will tell their life stories.

  • "I was delighted to be part of your well-being at work lecture. Sari as usual. People-oriented, common-sense theories, clear slides, experiential, real-life examples."

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Authentic WorkJoy™